There are multiple options in most states for a 100% online Bachelors in Nutrition degree program. In fact, the nutrition Bachelors degree is one of the most widely offered degree programs in nutrition that is offered 100% online, especially at the undergraduate level. Bachelor's in Nutrition degrees are a great option for students who are unsure of their intended career path, as the diverse coursework provides them with a broad basis that can be applied across industries.
Some schools allow students to choose Nutritional Science or Dietetics as their concentration within the Bachelor's in Nutrition program. This ensures that students interested in becoming Registered Dietitian Nutritionists are able to meet all their requirements, while students interested in research-based careers or professional schools can take advantage of electives to tailor their coursework needs.
Are there online Bachelor of Science in Nutrition degree programs?
Yes, there are online Bachelor's in Nutrition degree programs. Bachelor's in Nutrition programs are focused on helping students develop a deep understanding of nutritional science and explore potential careers within the nutrition space. Online Bachelor's in Nutrition degree programs will have required core coursework that is consistent with all university majors, including classes such as history, social science, life science, and literature. Students then take major-specific coursework, often covering topics such as nutritional biochemistry, nutrition throughout the life course, and community nutrition.
Consider a sponsored online Nutrition program currently accepting applicants.
School | Program | Admissions |
Arkansas State University | Online Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
Study infant and child nutrition, food safety, food science, medical nutrition therapy and sports nutrition. |
Arizona State University | Online BS in Applied Nutrition and Health
Three specialized focus areas in: Pre-Dietetics (for those interested in becoming registered dietitians), Community Nutrition, and Food Service Operations. |
Purdue Global | Online Bachelor of Science in Nutrition
Study topics such as dietary choices, pharmacology, digestion, metabolism, nutritional needs at all stages of life, leadership in health care, and nutrition for diverse populations. |
Bachelors in Nutrition programs offer different concentrations and focus areas
Several programs also have opportunities for students to specialize in an area that interests them. This provides a formal structure to build knowledge in a certain nutritional discipline and shows graduate schools or prospective employers that you have demonstrated interest in a particular area. While program focus and available opportunities will differ between programs, students typically learn about topics in:
- Biochemistry
- Biomolecular Sciences
- Nutritional sciences
- Food science
- Community nutrition
- Clinical nutrition degree programs
- Public health nutrition
Depending on the program, students will have elective options, research opportunities, and potential internship placements. Because of the varying nature of this type of degree program, it is important for students to look carefully at the program's focus. For example, some programs are designed for students entering research-related careers, while others are intended for those applying to professional schools following graduation. Many programs encourage students to attend in person to take advantage of laboratory and research experiences.
Note on the CDR requirement for a Masters degree to sit for the CDR RDN exam
As of last year, 2024: One important note is that Bachelor's in Nutrition programs do not inherently prepare students to sit for the Commission on Dietitian Registration (CDR) examination. Students interested in becoming Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) now must complete a core set of didactic training to receive a Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) verification statement and a supervised learning experience (SEL) approved by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). In previous years, students were only required to complete a Bachelor's degree and these requirements to sit for the credentialing exam.
ACEND accredited Bachelors programs
Because of this, many students sought ACEND-accredited bachelor's programs specializing in dietetics. In some cases, Bachelor's in Nutrition programs have options for students to complete dietetic requirements alongside their core nutrition coursework. However, starting in 2024, the requirements to sit for the CDR examination will be raised to completing a master's degree or another advanced degree. Because of this, many students are now opting to complete a Bachelor's in Nutrition degree to gain a broad foundation in nutritional sciences before completing their dietetic requirements in their master's degree programs. For students unsure of their focus area, a Bachelor's in Nutrition degree can provide a great opportunity to connect with different faculty and try out new areas within nutritional science.
In-depth review of top online Bachelor of Nutrition degrees
Many of the following online Nutrition Bachelors degrees offer online options, and several integrate dietetic requirements for the CDR examination into the Bachelor of Science in Nutrition degree. However, at the majority of universities, the Bachelor of Science in Nutrition degree is designed for students interested in pursuing nutrition-related careers outside of dietetics and does not provide a DPD verification statement. When choosing the right program for you, students should focus on program coursework options, whether the program is online or in-person, and the typical path for alumni following graduation from the program.
Purdue University Global - Bachelor of Science in Nutrition
Purdue Global offers an online Bachelor of Science in Nutrition degree for students interested in deepening their knowledge of nutritional sciences while studying at their own pace. The program is made up of 10-week mini-semesters where students are expected to spend 15-18 hours outside of class each week studying. This is a great option for students who are working outside of their studies or have obligations that make it difficult to be full-time students. Purdue Global places emphasis on helping students find a professional placement after graduation, and students have the option to complete an internship during the program to build job-ready skills. In addition to this, students leave the program prepared to take several certification exams, including those needed to become Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, Certified Clinical Nutritionists (CCNs), and Certified Dietary Managers (CDMs).
While this program is accredited by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP), this program is not designed for those interested in becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. Students are encouraged to focus on career paths in this program in nutrition education, counseling, health coaching, food management, food and nutrition writing, and sports nutrition specialties.
University of Alabama (UA) - Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition
This BS in Food and Nutrition degree at UA is designed to be highly customizable depending on your long-term career goals. While all students will take a set of core courses covering general knowledge and nutritional fundamentals, students are able to specialize in their coursework focuses. For students who are planning to enter medical school or another advanced medical degree, the Nutrition Sciences Concentration is built with an emphasis on the scientific basis of food and nutrition. The requirements of this concentration include courses such as Human Anatomy, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Psychology, Medical Nutrition Therapy, and Introduction to Research Food Nutrition. For students interested in sitting for the CDR examination, the Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) can be entered once 60 semester hours of prerequisite coursework have been completed. These hours must include courses such as Introduction to Human Nutrition, Nutrition in the Life Cycle, and Food Science.
In addition to the customizable in-person option, UA offers an online Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition program. This online degree is made of 120 credit hours, costing students $385 per hour. This program is ACEND accredited (as is the in-person option). The 120 credit hours are made of 59 credits of major-specific courses, 20 credits of science courses, and 44 credits of general education coursework. While the length of time it takes students to complete this coursework varies, students can expect each 3 credit course to require 9-12 hours outside of class per week to student and complete assignments. If students do not wish to become an RDN, they can complete the 120 hours and receive their degree. For those interested in dietetics, certain DPD Science and DPD Professional Courses such be taken with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, in addition to completing a DPD Capstone course.
The graduates from this program go on to enter many different types of careers in nutrition, including clinical nutrition managers, specialists in sports dietetics, child nutrition specialists, certified nutrition support specialists, and lactation consultants. Many alumni of this program also combine outside interests with nutrition to enter diverse roles in the food and nutrition space. Alumni positions of note include a Food Editor at, a Regional Manager for Frito-Lay Corporation, and an Account Manager at Nestle Corporation.
University of Arizona - Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences
The University of Arizona has many options for students interested in entering a professional nutrition field. The first choice students will make is whether they would like to choose Dietetics or Nutrition as their concentration. Both options provide a strong scientific basis, broad course options, and can be completed in-person at the Main or Yuma campuses, as well as online through AZ Online.
The Nutrition Emphasis is designed for students who are not interested in becoming RDNs. This emphasis can be customized depending on your intended path after graduation. For those applying to medical school or another advanced healthcare degree, coursework can be specialized to include necessary math and science coursework. For those interested in entering a management position, economics, accounting, and food service courses can be included. For students interested in taking the CDR examination, they can declare the Dietetics Emphasis and complete the required DPD coursework in order to receive the DPD verification statements upon graduation. Both the in-person and online dietetics emphasis are ACEND-accredited.
The University of Arizona is pioneering the ways in which students can focus their nutrition education. Outside of the general Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences, students can choose several other nutrition-based Bachelor of Science degrees. Students can majors such as:
- Nutrition and Food Systems: Designed for students interested in food-related policy and sustainable food production.
- Precision Nutrition and Wellness: Designed for students who would like to combine nutritional sciences with data science to explore genomics, metabolic, transcriptomics, and more.
- Nutrition and Human Performance: Designed for students who would like to explore how nutrition can increase human achievement and quality of life, such as in athletics, arts, and illness prevention and management.
Weber University - Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Education, Concentration in Integrative Nutrition
Weber University offers a fully-online Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Education degree with a concentration in integrative nutrition. This program requires 120 credit hours (60 credit hours related to the major) to complete the program with an overall GPA of 2.0 and a major GPA of 2.75. In the Integrative Nutrition program, students learn exciting topics related to cooking sustainably, nutritional botany, exercise and sports science, physical education, child and family studies, and nutrition throughout the lifespan. This program is designed for students who would like to continue their professional education as athletic trainers, physician assistants, medical doctors, osteopathic doctors, research scientists, and public health nutritionists. In addition to this, many students use their integrative nutrition knowledge to enter employment for sports teams, wellness centers, school systems, clinics, and government agencies.
One of the great things about the integrative nutrition program is that it is highly customizable for the student. Because only half of the required credits must be related to nutrition, students can take classes in other fields in order to broaden their education. For example, a student interested in healthcare administration could take classes in accounting, economics, healthcare management, and business. A student intending to go to medical school could take prerequisite courses such as organic chemistry, physics, and writing.
Purdue University, Bachelor of Science in Nutrition
This degree program is designed to provide foundational knowledge and skills related to the fields of nutrition and health care. Students will explore pharmacology and nutrition, the process of digestion, absorption, and metabolism, and study administrative, professional, and ethical elements of the nutrition-based business industry. In addition to the required core and major courses, students can further specialize their degree by choosing a concentration in holistic nutrition. Students complete the course with an individualized capstone project that demonstrates applied nutritional knowledge and skills to real-world scenarios. Tuition and fees at Purdue run about $371/credit.
The program contains coursework such as:
- NS305: Food Safety
- NS313: Management
- NS325: Nutrition Across the Human Life Cycle
- NS425: Sports Nutrition
Enrollment Requirements:
General requirements for enrollment to Purdue University apply. See Purdue’s website for details on requirements for undergraduate, graduate, international, and transfer students. Prospective students must be at least 18 years of age, complete an enrollment application, pass a basic level of English proficiency, complete financial arrangements including financial aid documents, and attest to certain technological competencies.
University of Northern Colorado (UNC) - Bachelor of Science in Nutrition
This Bachelor of Science in Nutrition degree is designed for those who are not interested in becoming RDNs, such as students pursuing careers in public health fields, as personal trainers, as nutritional counselors, or in food service management. This bachelor's degree is also a great choice for those who would like to apply to medical school, physician assistant school, or physical therapy school. In many cases, students choose to double major with Nursing or Sport and Exercise Science to better suit their career goals. In general, all students on the BS in Nutrition program will complete courses such as Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Statistics, Biochemistry, Nutrition in the Lifecycle, Medical Terminology, and Community Nutrition. However, in many semesters, the required courses only make up 3-9 credits of the 15-18 available semester credits. This leaves many spaces free for students to decide on electives both within the nutritional sciences department and in other departments that interest them.
Because of the high number of students who choose to enter health-related graduate school, the university offers pre-health advising to ensure each student is able to complete the pre-requisite courses needed to be competitive in their next round of applications. They also provide a number of post-graduate ideas for students to find the right career fit for them. For example, UNC often connects students with further credentialing opportunities such as a Certified Dietary Manager, Certified Lactation Counselor, Personal Training Certificates, and open positions in local institutions.
For students looking to become a CDR, there are in-person and online options at UNC to complete a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics degree.
Auburn University - Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, Dietetics Option
The Bachelor of Science in Nutrition degree with a Dietetics concentration at Auburn University is designed for students who plan to sit for the CDR examination and pursue a career as an RDN. This program is made up of two years of pre-professional coursework, followed by 2 years of the professional Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD). This DPD portion is ACEND accredited and provides students with the DPD verification statement needed to sit for the CDR examination.
This program is focused on helping students build a strong foundational knowledge in broad subject areas in the first two years, before moving to specialized nutritional knowledge in the second two years. Students in this Bachelor's program take courses in a mix of subject areas including pre-calculus, algebra, statistics, biology, human anatomy, English composition, history, social science, and fine arts. In the DPD portion of the degree, students take classes such as Nutritional Biochemistry, Microbiology, Experimental Student of Foods, Nutrition Education, and Nutritional Genomics.
There are several stages students can choose to enter this program. The first option is for students who are incoming freshmen at Auburn University. These students can indicate the pre-dietetics major as their intended focus area and proceed into the program. For students transferring into the program from another college or major, a 2.0 grade point average is required. The second type of admission is directly into the DPD portion of the program. For pre-dietetic students, this application is generally completed in the second semester of their Sophomore year. To enter this portion, applicants must have completed 45 semester hours of pre-dietetics curriculum. These courses include Nutrition and Health and at least 4 science courses from a pre-approved list including Fundamentals of Chemistry I & II, Survey of Organic Chemistry, Principles of Biology, Anatomy and Physiology I, and Anatomy and Physiology II. This is a competitive program, and students will need to apply with their cumulative GPA, science GPA, personal statement, and career goals.
Kansas State University - Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences
The BS in Nutritional Sciences degree at Kansas State University boasts an impressive track record for students looking to apply for an advanced health-related degree after graduation. Between 2012-2020, 100% of graduates who applied to dental school were accepted, and 89% of graduates who applied for medical school were accepted. Many students choose this program because of the curricular focus on human nutrition, emphasis on how nutritional sciences can be applied to a broad range of fields, and flexibility of the curriculum.
For this degree, students must complete several sequences of course requirements. Students must finish 20 credit hours of biological science courses, 27 credit hours of physical sciences courses, and 31 credit hours of nutritional sciences courses. Outside of this, students need to complete 3 social science courses, 3 communication courses, 1 integrative health and human sciences course, and two quantitative coursework. Students can then fill the remainder of their 120 credit hours with electives of choice. While this may sound like an intensive core, many students choose this program because of the strong preparation it provides for those looking to advance their professional careers in healthcare.
It is worth noting that this program does not certify students to take the CDR examination or become RDNs. The Bachelor of Science in Dietetics is likely to be a better fit for students interested in dietetics.
Bowling Green State University - Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Sciences
Bowling Green State University offers a BS in Nutrition Sciences designed for students interested in research fields. This program is catered to students who intend to pursue a graduate degree in nutrition, biomolecular sciences, food science, or in advanced health fields such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmaceutical industries. Because of the research emphasis, students can expect to be encouraged in this program to collaborate with laboratories at the University and connect with professors. The core coursework is science-heavy, including chemistry, mathematics, statistics, biology, physics, physiology, and social and behavioral sciences. Alumni have gone on from this program to enter exciting positions, including software development for nutrient analysis, research for governmental agencies, product representation for pharmaceutical companies, and nutritionists for diet and exercise research.
While the BS in Nutrition degree is geared toward research, Bowling Green State University also offers an ACEND-accredited BS in Dietetics degree that is appropriate for students interested in the CDR credentialing examination. This program is available online. When choosing a major, students are encouraged to think carefully about their career path and which program will most closely prepare them for their next steps post-graduation.
Bachelors in Nutrition degrees by state
There are campus based and online Bachelors in Nutrition degrees. You can click on your state of interest below to see all the nutrition programs we found in your state.
Schools by State
Top courses for a Bachelor’s in Nutrition program
While individual course offerings will vary depending on the program, most Bachelor’s in Nutrition programs will have courses similar to the following. Titles and numbers are likely to be different across universities, but the descriptions will be similar. If you have questions about a certain course, speaking with your advisor or reaching out to faculty are great ways to ensure you are in the right class for you.
NUTR 201: Fundamentals of Nutrition
This course focuses on how to promote health within communities and prevent disease. This class often covers current topics in the field including new research, ethical concerns, and current dietary guidelines.
NUTR 203: Cultural Aspects of Food and Nutrition
This course looks at how nutrition varies across cultures and how different trends affect different populations. Students learn how to critically evaluate literature, look for biases, and learn how to effectively work with diverse communities.
NUTR 205: Introduction to Science of Food
This course looks at food-borne illnesses, ways to prevent the spread of these illnesses, how to evaluate food quality, and methods to prepare food safely. Students also learn about portion sizes, handling techniques, and basic food management.
BIOL 211: Fundamentals of Microbiology
This is an introductory course for students to learn about microorganisms and how these organisms interact with food and our bodies. Students may be encouraged to take a laboratory with this course.
NUTR 510: Nutrition Education and Community Health
Students learn techniques for nutritional counseling and education. Students learn how to effectively work with different communities and modern ethical considerations when working in this area. In some cases, this course will involve fieldwork placements.
NUTR 304: Nutrition Throughout the Lifespan
This course studies how our nutritional requirements change as we age. Students learn how to tailor dietary recommendations based on stage of life and evaluate the effectiveness of different interventions.\
What can you do with a Bachelor of Nutrition degree?
Bachelor’s in Nutrition degree programs provide students with a strong foundation at the undergraduate level to enter many different careers in the nutrition field. Students are often able to explore different types of courses and experiences, such as pre-medical coursework, academic research, public health foundations, and electives in broad disciplines.
Many students also opt to pursue professional school after graduation, including medical school, PhD programs, dental school, and physical therapy programs. While there are several online options for Bachelor’s in Nutrition degrees, students are encouraged to take advantage of in-person coursework to connect with faculty, explore research opportunities, and take laboratory-based classes.
This degree often prepared students to enter research-based careers in academia or at government agencies, management positions, quality assurance positions, pharmaceutical industries, or marketing for nutritional industries. This type of degree can also be a strong foundation for students applying for admission into professional healthcare schools, such as medical school, dental school, physician assistant programs, or physical therapist programs.
Career options for those with a Bachelors in Nutrition
A nutrition degree provides a launching point for many different careers. Several common careers and their median pay for students with this degree include:
Career (from the BLS) | Avg. Salary |
Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) | $61,650 |
Registered Nutrition and Dietetics Technician (NDTR) | $29,520 |
Food Scientists and Technologists | $84,150 |
Agriculture and Food Scientists | $74,160 |
Health Service Managers | $101,340 |
Community Health Workers | $46,590 |
Health Education Specialists | $60,600 |
Food Manufacturing (All Occupations) | $43,130 |
Food Manufacturing (Management) | $119,440 |